To me the 'O'o is the classic symbol for extinct Hawaiian Birds. Yes, I would rather have seen the beautiful (and also extinct) Akialoa, but the 'O'o stands in front for me. So many beautiful birds have been lost forever; I hope some of the thirty-three currently endangered species of Hawaiian birds can be saved.
I wanted to compare this O'o print to other's work (clicking link opens a new browser window).
Prints and cards can be purchased at the N. Robert Wagstaff website.
From the German Naturalis website: "The cultivation of the Hawaiian Islands had a disastrous effect on the indigenous avifauna. After Europeans arrived in the archipelago, various rails, thrushes, and many of the famous Hawaiian honeycreepers vanished. Another group which suffered heavily were the O-o honeyeaters. All four species of Moho are extinct. These are the Hawaii O-o Moho nobilis, the Molokai O-o Moho bishopi, the Oahu O-o Moho apicalis and the Kauai O-o, Moho braccatus."
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