Red Jungle Fowl

Photograph by Richard Shirley

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Red Jungle Fowl - Phasianidae Gallus gallus

When in Hawaii I photographed a wild chicken (red jungle fowl). Our guide (Carl Berg) told us it was likely a cross-breed with domestic chickens, as the legs were not black. Take a look at the two together (opens a new browser window). I do not see any difference in the leg color, though I must admit that the print has a much more pleasing background than then asphalt road in my photo.

Red jungle fowl are widely spread on the Hawaiian Islands, and local people call them "dinner." Whether a "pure" red jungle fowl still exists on Hawaii is not certain. Having seen and photographed them myself, I must say that they are beautiful birds, and certainly look like the print shown in the comparison.

Below is a Bantam Rooster photographed in St. Augustine, FL. Domestic. Draw your own conclusions.

Bantam Rooster

Copyright Richard Shirley; all rights reserved; images are protected under US copyright laws and may not be copied or reproduced in any manner.

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