Hawaiian Black Necked Stilt

Photograph by Richard Shirley

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Hawaiian Stilt - Recurvirostridae Himantopus mexicanus knudseni

The Hawaiian subspecies, designated by the subspecies name knudseni, differs from the mainland form in having more extensive black on the sides of its neck and face (see photo of mainland Black Necked Stilt below). The difference seems pretty subtle to me. The Hawaiian name is Ae'o. The subspecies is endangered.

From summitpacific.com: Hawaiian Stilts are endangered due to hunting, loss of habitat, environmental contaminants, and introduced predators such as feral cats, rats, mongoose, and bullfrogs. Other avian predators include owls, herons, and Cattle egrets. Hunting or shooting the Hawaiian Stilt is illegal.

Black Necked Stilt - Recurirostridae Himatopus mexicanus

Copyright Richard Shirley; all rights reserved; images are protected under US copyright laws and may not be copied or reproduced in any manner.

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