Comparing Red Jungle Fowl Print to Photos


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This is the only comparison that does not include an image of Marian Berger's; I simply do not have one. The comparison is made simply to address the following question: was the chicken/jungle fowl I photographed on Kauai a Red Jungle Fowl, or was it a feral chicken (or even a crossbreed)?

Red jungle fowl are widely found on almost all of the Hawaiian Islands. So are domestic chickens, and the two do interbreed. The distinguishing mark is supposed to be that red jungle fowl have black legs (source is Carl Berg during our trip to Hawaii where the right-hand picture below was taken). Looking at the print and my first photo, either the artist was off, or my photo really is of a red jungle fowl; the leg colors look the same to me. So I think I photographed a Red Jungle Fowl.

But then, look at the second photo I took, this one of a bantam rooster in St. Augustine, FL. The coloration is a bit different, but the legs appear to me to be the same color as the other two roosters. Hmmm.

Local Hawaiians do not call these birds "red jungle fowl;" they call them "dinner."

Red Jungle Fowl - Phasianidae Gallus gallus Red Jungle Fowl - Phasianidae Gallus gallus Bantam Rooster