Comparing Alala Prints


Beneath the horizontal line are the following:

Both of Marian's Alalas stand out in two ways relative to the Alala by Frederick Frohawk. First, they are in more natural poses, interacting with their environment rather than in a static portrait. Secondly, they show considerably more feather detail, and hence seem more real, more alive.

As is typical when comparing Marian's work to Patrick Ching's, her work puts more emphasis on the bird, his work shows a more complete environment for the bird. I notice also the greater amount of brown on the outer wing feathers; I am not certain which is more accurate.

I get the best comparison of Marian's work with the Sue Shane Ravens, especially from the first Raven. All the images have great, realistic proportions. They also have have good feather detail, though I feel Frohawk's print lacks a bit in this regard.

Alala - Corvidae Corvus hawaiiensis Alala - Corvidae Corvus hawaiiensis Alala - Corvidae Corvus hawaiiensis Alala - Corvidae Corvus hawaiiensis Common Raven, Corvidae Corvus corax Common Raven, Corvidae Corvus corax