Comparison to Frohawk's Style


Below the line are four image pairs:

In each case the print by Marian Berger is to the left, that by Frederick Frohawk is to the right. All images were cropped to emphasize the birds. You will need to scroll down to see the images. Hovering the cursor over any image will identify it.

Marian's colors are consistently brighter than Frohawk's, at least in part an artifact of the so-so quality of the prints from which my scans were taken. Marian's work has more feather detail, probably closer to real-life based on photographs of still-living birds, and a testament to her very fine detail and control with the watercolor medium. To my eye Marian's work is a bit more artistic, a bit more beautiful.

M Berger: I'iwi - Fringillidae Vestiaria coccinea F Frohawk: I'iwi - Fringillidae Vestiaria coccinea

M Berger: Alala - Corvidae Corvus hawaiiensis F Frohawk: Alala - Corvidae Corvus hawaiiensis

M Berger: O'o - Meliphagidae Moho nobilis F Frohawk: O'o - Meliphagidae Moho nobilis

M Berger: Akialoa - Fringillidae Hemignathus obscurus F Frohawk: Akialoa - Fringillidae Hemignathus obscurus