Slaty Tailed Trogon

Trogonidae Trogon massena

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Slaty Tailed Trogon - Trogonidae Trogon massena

For me the slaty tailed trogon is second only to the quetzal in beauty. But there is a story behind this photograph. We went out for two hours with a guide trying to see a slaty tailed trogon. The only luck we had was to hear the guide call and call, trying to attract the bird to us. That evening Joan and I went out one last time, and she tried calling. "Stop calling," I said, "you'll scare them away." Two minutes later we saw not one, not two, but three slaty tailed trogons all at once, two of them quite close, all calling back to Joan. If we had had our 7D cameras (not available in 2008), we would have had great photos; as it was, this photo is a treasure to us.