Maui Parrotbill

Print by N. Robert Wagstaff

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Maui Parrotbill - Fringillidae Pseudonestor xanthophrys

The local name for the Maui Parrotbill is Kiwikiu.

Prints and cards can be purchased at the N. Robert Wagstaff website.

From "Kiwikiu or Maui Parrotbill use their large parrot-like beaks to split branches and to extract insect larvae, their primary prey. Adult Parrotbill are 5 to 6 inches long, olive-green above and yellow below, and have short tails and distinctive yellow eye-stripes. Females tend to be duller in color and have smaller bills than males. Immatures are greyish-olive above and pale yellow below with whitish eye-stripes. Endangered: now, only about 500 Parrotbill are estimated to exist."

Copyright Wagstaff Fine Art; all rights reserved; images are protected under US copyright laws and may not be copied or reproduced in any manner.

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