
All the photographs in this section were taken at King Richard's Faire in Carver, MA. Their website includes admission prices, location, a map, and lots of program details. You can pre-purchase tickets online. The photographs in this section provide a good picture of what it is like at King Richard's Faire: fun!

King Richard's Faire is great for all ages, but with an emphasis on kids and photographers. The Faire has one photographic opportunity after the other - a real delight.

King Richard's Faire is located in Carver, MA, and runs from very late August to mid-October every year.

An interesting anectdote concerns tha fact that I use a Canon camera. My first year at King Richard's the Faire police gave me a "ticket" for possessing an unlicensed Canon. The second year I made up a license using a seal from their website; I received two tickets this time: one for an unlicensed Canon and one for a forged license. No mercy! I could have gone to court at 4:30 for fun, but never did. Maybe next year.

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